July 97

July 22

There's a MacWEEK article on QuickTime 3.0; it's mostly about the browser plug-in. There's also a MacWeek article on the Miro DC30 capture card.

Bay Area people may want to know about the next IQTVRA Bay Area chapter meeting on July 24. Details are at the IQTVRA page.

Last week we posted the following with a bad link, which should now work:

Panomatic 1.b5 is a tool from vrtools for making panoramic QuickTime VR scenes. It's available from downloads section at vrtools' web site.

Apple has posted (on the 5500-6500 page of the Apple Software Library) a collection of several updates which some Power Macintosh 5500/225, 6500/225 and 6500/250 computers may need. It includes video and audio patches.

The Little QuickTime page is going on a much-needed vacation. It will return on August 19. We may file a report from Macworld Boston.

Thanks, Judy and Robert

July 15

Gregg Williams of Apple Directions (Apple's developer newsletter) has written an overview article on QuickTime 3.0.

There's an article in MacWEEK about the Iomega BUZ video capture card and a picture of it.

YAV Interactive Media has released a new version of Spike, a tool for analyzing QuickTime movies. Read about it and get an evaluation copy at a Spike press release page.

Connectix is doing an open beta test of new drivers for the QuickCam and Color QuickCam. You can read the "read me" and get the software from the QuickCam Open Beta page.

Panomatic 1.b5 is a tool from vrtools for making panoramic QuickTime VR scenes. It's available from downloads section at vrtools' web site.

Owners of Kaidian's KiWi tripod head for QuickTime VR panos can get the labels mentioned in the manual by mailing a self-addressed stamped envelope to Kaidan, 703 East Pennsylvania Blvd., Feasterville PA 19053

July 8

Truevision has released version 2.2 of their software for the Mac TARGA 1000/2000 for PCI and NuBus cards. It's available from Truevision's Mac ftp directory.

There's a MacWEEK review of the Xclaim VR card ($299 card which does QuickTime capture, among other things).

There have been reports (at The Macintosh News Network and links to other reports at MacSurfer's Headline News) that miro is shipping the DC-30 for Macintosh; however, when we looked at miro's site for a press release, the most current press release was dated June 12, 1997. In any case, this is a nice relatively low-cost card (~$800 street), for S-video quiality capture.

The International QuickTime VR Association's web site is ready for prime time. Check it out. It even has some information in multiple languages.

Here's a few links to QTVR panoramas of Mars (from the Pathfinder mission):





July 1

There a free demo version of Media Cleaner Pro from Terran. It, of course, has limitations compared to the full optimization and compression product, but there's enough there to give you a good idea of what the product will do (and to even compress some short clips). Check out their Media Cleaner Demo page.

There's a new version of the ASTARTE MPEG Exporter (1.0 b6 ) and it's available from ASTARTE's MPEG Exporter page.

Metacreations (AKA Fractal, MetaTools, and Specular) has released InfiniD 4.0; this version is focused on digital video and has a number of new features for the video pro such as NTSC safe color, field rendering, safe title area and more. It has a retail price of $899. You can read the spec sheet at Specular or a MacWEEK article.

Plus, a couple of products to look forward to:

Strata is doing a new release of their QuickTime video editing package, VideoShop; it's to be called VideoShop3d 4.0 and will have a retail price of $495, but upgrades will be only $89. Unlike other QuickTime editing apps, it will be able to deal with 3D data. You can read a press release from Strata and/or a MacWEEK article.

Iomega (the ZIP people) have announced a new product call "Buz" which will be available at the end of this year; it's a $199 video capture card and scsi controller (for fast disk access). It will do near broadcast quality video and it's for both a Macintosh and PC. Seems like a great deal to us. Read about it at Iomega's News Flash page.